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California Online Traffic School
So let’s admit it now. You have to go to traffic school and it’ll be the most rewarding time of your life, said no one ever. So all those years of practice didn’t do any good and here you are, preparing to go to traffic school again. Let’s face it though. Who has the time…
Aaron Cohen Law
Hit-and-run cases in the United States are unfortunately at an all time high and numbers are, unfortunately, only increasing. Statistics from 2015 show that a hit-and-run crash occurs in Los Angeles about every 18 minutes and that the problem has been aggravated to the extent that it is now being called an epidemic. There are…
What is an Online Traffic School?
So you just encountered a traffic violation, and are now looking for a traffic school. But unfortunately, you can’t squeeze in enough time to attend the classes. Does that mean you won’t be able to attend a traffic school, and get the points on your driving record hidden? Not at all. Find an online traffic…
The Importance of Seat Belts
Do you wear a seat belt in the car? The law requires you to and no, it’s not baseless. There is a whole set of reasons, and some very good ones too, because of which you should always wear a seat belt. For starters, you have to pay a fine n in around 49 states,…
How do you find out how many points you have on your driver’s license?
How good of a driver are you? Wondering how to measure your driving schools? Well, this is exactly what the point system is for – a means through which the state and hey ya, even the insurance companies can figure how good you are behind the wheel. Though not available in every state, many of…
Importance of Seatbelts—Why Wear Them?
Are you the kind of driver who only wears a seat belt when other people nag endlessly? Or are you the nagger of the group? If you belong to the latter category, rejoice! For we are going to supply you with more ammo for your nagging. And if you belong to the former category, buckle…
How to get a red light camera ticket dismissed
Countless people throughout the world have been victims of the mighty red light camera ticket, and all of them have one thing in common: they’d do anything to get rid of it. This is primarily because red light violation tickets can cost drivers a great deal. If you’re one of those people who are interested…
How to Check if Your License is Suspended in California
If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re afraid that some of your actions might have stripped you of your right to drive for a few days. What other reason could you have to check if your license in California is suspended? If that is indeed the case, you might also be interested in the…
How to Become an Uber Driver
If you think that having the ability to strike up a conversation with anyone and everyone is the only prerequisite to become an Uber driver, you might not like what we have to tell you today. The infamous ride-hailing service has to do a lot each day to maintain its quality of service and –…
How many questions are on the driving test in California?
This may be pretty difficult to believe considering the traffic situation in California, but people do have to pass a driving test to be able to (legally) drive in the state. Read on for everything you need to know about the driving test in California and how it works. Here’s what you need to know…